It’s Yasu! The other day, I went to Eco Pro 2019!
EcoPro is an exhibition held for all stakeholders with the aim of solving environmental and social issues. At EcoPro, there are many events that can be enjoyed by everyone from small children to adults, and you can enjoy learning about environmental and social issues and corporate efforts to address them. I was impressed by the fact that each company is focusing on solving environmental and social issues, and that they are trying to solve environmental and social issues while growing steadily.
In addition, at each company’s booth, if you participated in quizzes and questionnaires, you could receive luxurious prizes! The photos show the prizes we received in one day. (The red cat and purple masking tape were purchased by myself, but other than that, it’s free!) )
This year’s EcoPro has come to an end, but don’t worry! EcoPro will be held again next year! EcoPro 2020 will be held on 11/26 (Thu) ~ 11/28 (Sat). This is an event that can be enjoyed by both those who are interested in environmental issues and those who are not, so please visit and use it as an opportunity to think carefully about the environment.
It’s Yukki.
I went to “Mitsubishi Denki Outdoor Class @ Ichikawa Wild Bird Paradise”!
Ichikawa Wild Bird Paradise is located in the Gyotoku Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, and it is a place that you can’t usually enter. This time, I went there because I could go in and observe the creatures.
We were given loupes for observation, and a representative from Mitsubishi Electric explained the flora and fauna that inhabit the paradise for wild birds.
There were ladybirds eating aphids, and I had been wondering about the identity of the bubbles on plants for a long time. In fact, it seems that a member of the stink bug called Foxtail beetle lives inside. The foam is a surfactant, and it seems to have been produced by foxtail beetles… I learned a lot.
In addition, I learned how to distinguish between a himejoon and a haldion, and I tasted a strawberry and mulberry seed. Since it is an area that you cannot usually enter, you can eat it without hesitation because it will not be trampled by something or sprayed with chemicals…! By the way, the Yabu snake strawberries were tasteless. Mulberry berries are very tasty.
I also encountered a red-tailed cod sucking nectar from the trees. I’m trying hard to suck the nectar, and even if I go quite close and hold the camera, I don’t run away at all … I was able to take a picture easily.
On the day of the event, the temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius, and it was quite hot, but it was fun to be able to observe it quite carefully while taking a tea break.
It’s Yuni.
On Sunday, March 24th, “Children’s Eco Club National Festival 2019 – Shine: Future Earth Ranger” was held at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center!
We, the youth, also participated as a support for the children.
The youth members who participated this time were:
7 people. I served as the moderator as in the previous year.
This time, the moderator was a total of four people, including youth Mitchin and high school students of the Reverse River Children’s Eco Club.
The children, who were quiet at first, seemed to be relieved of their tension when they started playing games during the exchange time, and they had a great time. It looked like fun.
At the eco-activity session, I was impressed by the way they listened carefully to the presentations of the other clubs and asked questions. The sessions were longer than last year, so I think I was able to hear more club announcements.
In the past, I have often worked with university students, but this time I worked with high school students. They were very supportive of me for actively giving their opinions. Thank you!
More youth than the previous year supported us in guiding and reception. It was a pleasure to meet you! Let’s work together again!!
Hi! It’s MHK_Studio. I attended Junior Eco-club National Festival at Yoyogi. The members of Junior Eco-Clubs did unbelievably good performance! I almost forgot that they were elementary schoolers. The posters were detailed, and their presentations were well-structured.
Also, many companies presented what they were doing to achieve SDGs. Some companies were very popular, and some were those I didn’t know what they were doing. But all of them were trying their best to lessen the impact on environment.
I thought this festival did a really good job not only to let children think and act for environment, but also give everyone attended to have passion to keep the Earth healthy.
Hello, Everyone! It’s MHK_Studio! Today, I attended the preparation for Junior Eco-Club National Festival next day. I met the staffs of Junior Eco-Club for the first time. They were so kind, and worked very hard.
I did stage setting and putting up posters that children made. The posters were unbelievably good! I can’t wait till tomorrow to listen to the presentation!
It’s Yukki.
We visited the National Youth Environmental Activity Presentation Contest.
I wonder if the Youth Committee member Michin reported to COP21 at the first meeting? This was the first time I went to see it.
Straws and PET bottles were not allowed, printed materials were minimal, and only pamphlets with participating schools were listed, making it eco-friendly among the environment-related events I have participated in so far. Every time I go to an environmental event, I am given a large number of pamphlets (what is eco…) That’s what I was thinking.
High school students from 16 schools from all over the country who were selected through regional competitions gave presentations. I was particularly interested in the story of the honeybee and the story of Ramsar. Most of them seemed to be talking in line with the SDGs.
All of the schools are good at presenting. Listening to their activities, I was impressed by their ability and trust to involve the community. It was wonderful to have the ability to respond flexibly while noticing problems and making predictions.
It was very good, so I didn’t want it to be completed just by outputting the activity. Since you have the footwork to give presentations overseas and go to fieldwork, I thought it would be nice to exchange contact information with the people on the team who were making the presentations you were interested in, and even if you couldn’t meet them, you should keep in touch and share your opinions. They are doing something good for the environment and the community in which they are working, so I felt that I would like them to cooperate beyond the boundaries of the participating schools and take on various challenges.
Youth Econet is starting! Please join us!
Hello! I’m MHK_Studio, a member of Youth Econet committee.
This time, Youth Econet established our homepage! We are aiming to get connection between youths, and create a huge ecological flow. I will support this from behind… I need more and more environmental groups to join and help us! More heads needed to make it happen…
To join us, all you have to do is to reach us on SNS page such as Facebook or Twitter, and Like or follow us! That’s it. OMG, how easy is it!? What you can do with us is PR of your environmental activities, learning others’ activities, and in the future, establishing connection through Youth Econet.
Youth Econet is newly made group. We need help from all the people involved in this. Let’s do this.